National Agricultural Sample Census Pilot (Private Farmer) Livestock And Poultry-2007
Second round
No translation
Name | Country code |
Nigeria | NGA |
Agricultural Census [ag/census]
The project is phased into three sub-projects for ease of implementation; the Pilot survey, Modern Agricultural Holding and the Main Census. The project will be driven by Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on NASC (2006/08) and supported by four sub-committees. The four sub-committees are; Funds sub-committee, Census Design sub-committee, Questionnaire Review Sub-committee and Publicity and Advocacy sub-committee.
The project started in the third quarter of 2006 and is to terminate in the 1st quarter of 2008.
The National Agricultural Sample Census (NASC) 2006/08 is imperative to the strengthening of the weak agricultural data in Nigeria. The project is phased into three sub-projects for ease of implementation; the Pilot Survey, Modern Agricultural Holding and the Main Census. It commenced in the third quarter of 2006 and to terminate in the first quarter of 2008. The pilot survey was implemented collaboratively by National Bureau of Statistics.
The main objective of the Pilot Survey was to test the adequacy of the survey instruments, equipments and administration of questionnaires, data processing arrangement and report writing. The Pilot survey conducted in July 2007 covered the two NBS survey system-the National Integrated Survey of Households (NISH) and National Integrated Survey of Establishment (NISE). The survey instruments were designed to be applied using the two survey systems while the use of Geographic Positioning System (GPS) was introduced as additional new tool for implementing the project.
The Stakeholders workshop held at Kaduna on 21st-23rd May 2007 was one of the initial bench marks for the take off of the Pilot Survey. The Pilot Survey implementation started with the first level training (Training of Trainers) at the NBS Headquarters between 13th - 15th June 2007. The second level training for all levels of field personnels was implemented at Headquarters of the twelve (12) concerned states between 2nd - 6th July 2007. The field work of the Pilot Survey commenced on the 9th July and ended on the 13th of July 07. The IMPS and SPSS were the statistical packages used to develop the data entry programme. The results of the survey are presented in chapter three of this report.
In terms of livestock /Poultry, 1289 housing units were listed with 84 different types of livestock/poultry being kept by the households. In fishing, 101 fish farming housing units were listed in the twelve states with all of them having one or two different types of fishing activities. In the NASC 2006/08 pilot survey, 776 residential housing units with enterprises and 789 residential households with enterprises were listed.
Nine states accounted for female holders with Osun state recording highest number - 399,856 and Niger State the least figure of 18,424. Livestock distribution among age group showed that 25-44 years had the highest figure 1.23 million out of total holders 2.71 million.
In the distribution of livestock among the states, Goat was commonly reared across the states except Bayelsa State. Cattle was recorded in Yobe State (135,881) followed by Gombe State (117,764) and Zamfara State 97,294. Chicken was widely kept across the states recording 2.27 million with Osun State 0.49 million highest and Bayelsa State 0.03 million being the least figures. The funds committed to livestock farming was own fund. It amounted to 35,803.52 million naira across the states. Yobe State topped the list while Bayelsa had the smallest figure. Some livestock farmers had access to ICT mainly Radio, Television and Mobile phone.
Source of Fund:
All the establishments contacted responded to “own funds” as major source of fund, 62 per cent in Osun State and Ondo 50 per cent. Other sources of fund were cooperative societies, relatives and friends contributed to 34 per cent in the North Central Zone. In the South East “Own Fund” was 83 per cent in Ebonyi State and 40 per cent in Anambra State.
Person Engaged, Wages and Salaries
In terms of people engaged and wages - South West recorded total of 754 persons with the break down of 519 Nigerian males and 235 Nigerian females. Seven hundred and three persons (703) were apprentices and 50 paid employees and 1 working proprietor. The zone paid a total of N8,240,249.00 to persons engaged, showing an average earning of N10,929.00 per worker. It also occurred almost in the same form in other zones. Number of livestock by kind and sex showed that Bayelsa, Benue, Gombe Jigawa, and Zamfara States reported female livestock producing milk while only Benue and Osun states reported on Rabbit and Gombe state reported on Donkey. All states reported on poultry with addition of Turkey in Anambra and Cross River States.
Livestock/Poultry Farming
In the 12 states, covered in the survey, 9 States had 100 per cent response while only 1 completed questionnaire (50 per cent) was received from Bayelsa State. In analysis, Benue, Gombe, Jigawa and Zamfara states reported on Rabbit. Gombe was the only state that on Donkey.
All the states involved reported on chicken while Anambra and Cross-River States had additional report on Turkey.
In conclusion the Pilot Survey was able to confirm the adequacy, practicability and administration of field instrument and equipment.
Census/enumeration data [cen]
Household who are rearing livestock or kept poultry
Version 1.0 (October, 2009)
Version 1.0: Data used to generate the tables and the report (June, 2007)
Further editing on the data set released for public use(October, 2009)
Data sought on Livestock includes:
Type of Livestock/poultry,
sources of Livestock/poultry inputs,
sales of Livestock/poultry
Access to funds
Employment by Gender
Dairy products
Weather conditions etc.
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
consumption/consumer behaviour [1.1] | CESSDA | |
rural economics [1.6] | CESSDA | |
agricultural, forestry and rural industry [2.1] | CESSDA | |
employment [3.1] | CESSDA | |
working conditions [3.6] | CESSDA | |
basic skills education [6.1] | CESSDA | |
vocational education [6.7] | CESSDA | |
specific diseases and medical conditions [8.9] | CESSDA | |
plant and animal distribution [9.4] | CESSDA | |
Livestock or poultry Household
Name | Affiliation |
NAtional Bureau of Statistics(NBS) | Federal Government of Nigeria(FGN) |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | Federal Government of Nigeria(FGN) | Collaboration |
Name | Abbreviation | Role |
Federal Government of Nigeria | FGN | Funding |
Food and Agricultural Organisation | FAO | Funding |
United State Department of Authority | USDA | Funding |
Depatment for International Development | DFID | Funding |
World Bank | WB | Funding |
European Union | EU | Funding |
12 states were purposely selected in the country.
2 states from each of the 6 geo-political zones.
2 LGAs per selected state were studied.
2 Rural EAs per LGA were covered and
3 Livestock/poultry Farming Housing Units were systematically selected and canvassed.
No Deviation
On state basis, 100 percent response rate was acheived at EA level .
While 99.3 percent was recorded at housing units level.
This survey is pilot so we did not attach weight to the data set but
note that our tables on the report were weighted .
The section in the questionaire
·Identification/description of holdings
·Funds, Employment and Earnings/Wages
·Fixed Assets
Data entry was done at the HQ since it was a pilot.
Data were processed in clusters, with each cluster being processed as a complete unit through each stage of data processing. Each cluster goes through the following steps:
Start | End | Cycle |
2007-07-09 | 2007-07-14 | 5 Days |
Start date | End date | Cycle |
2007-07-09 | 2007-07-14 | 5 Days |
Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation |
National Bureau of Statistics | Federal Government of Nigeria(FGN) | NBS |
Each interviewing team comprised 8 enumerators and 4 supervisors will do the work in each state selected. The role of the supervisor was to coordinator field data collection activities, including management of the field teams, equipment and listings, coordinate with local authorities/head concerned in the selected Enumeration Area.
The field supervisor assigned the work to the interviewers, spot checked work, maintained field control documents, and sent completed questionnaires and progress reports State officer. They are also responsible for cheking skip errors, fields incorrectly completed, and checking for inconsistencies in the data. The field editor also observed interviews and conducted review sessions with interviewers.
Four Enumeration areas were canvassed in each state for data collection. The period of data collection was for five days by four teams made of two enumerators and one supervisor per team. Eight enumerators and four supervisors will do the work in each state selected .Data to be canvassed are household data namely listing, holding questionnaires, (crop, livestock/poultry and fisheries). The objective measurement of the farm using the Global Positioning System was also done. Also the use of our traditional survey FORMS FS1, FS2and YCE was also carried out. This was the National Integrated Survey of Household aspect of the survey.
The second part of the survey was establishment based and data collected was on Modern Agricultural Holding Survey on crop livestock/poultry fisheries and forestry.
A team made up of two enumerators and one supervisor was responsible for data collection. The duration of data collection was five days.
The data processing and analysis plan involved five main stages: training of data processing staff; manual editing and coding.
Development of data entry programme; data entry and editing and tabulation. Census and Surveys Processing System (CSPro) software were used for data entry, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Census and Surveys Processing System (CSPro) for editing and a combination of SPSS, Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) and EXCEL for table generation.
The subject-matter specialists and computer personnel from the NBS and CBN implemented the data processing work. Tabulation Plans were equally developed by these officers for their areas and topics covered in the three-survey system used for the exercise.
The data editing is in 2 phases namely manual editing before the data entry were done. This involved using editors at the various zones to manually edit and ensure consistency in the information on the questionnaire. The second editing is the computer editing, this is the cleaning of the already enterd data.
The completed questionnaires were collated and edited manually
(a) Office editing and coding were done by the editor using visual control of the questionnaire before data entry
(b) Cspro was used to design the data entry template provided as external resource
(c) Ten operator plus two suppervissor and two progammer were used
(d) Ten machines were used for data entry
(e) After data entry data entry supervisor runs fequency on each section to see that all the questionnaire were enterd
No computation of sampling error
The Quality Control measures were carried out during the survey, essentially to ensure quality of data.
There were two levels of supervision involving the supervisors at the first level, NBS State Officers and Zonal Controllers at second level and finally the NBS Headquarters staff constituting the second level supervision.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) | Fedral Government of Nigeria (FGN) | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | The confidentiality of the individual respondent is protected by law (Statistical Act 2007) This is published in the Official Gazette of the Federal republic of Nigeria No. 60 vol. 94 of 11th June 2007. See section 26 para.2. Punitive measures for breeches of confidentiality are outlined in section 28 of the same Act. |
A comprehensive data access policy is been developed by NBS, however section 27 of the Statistical Act 2007outlines the data access obligation of data producers which includes the realease of properly anonymized micro data.
National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria, National Agricultural Sample Cencuse Pilot (Private Farmer) Livestock/Ploultry-2007-v1.0
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
© NBS 2009
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Dr V.O. Akinyosoye | Statistician General | | |
Dr G.O Adewoye | Director Real Sector and Household Statistics Department | | |
Mr E.O. Ekezie | Head of Information and Comnucation Technology Department | | |
Mr E .I. Fafunmi | Data Curator | | |
Mr R.F. Busari | Head (Systems Programming) | | |
Mrs A.A.Akinsanya | Data Archivist | | |
National Bureau of Statistics | Fedral Government of Nigeria (FGN) | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
National Bureau of Statistics | NGA | Producer of Statistics |
Version 1.0 (October, 2009)