subtitle |
Author(s) |
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) , United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) |
Date |
2019-01-01 |
Country |
Nigeria |
Language |
English |
Contributor(s) |
Centre for Research and Information on Substance Abuse (CRISA) , European Union (EU) |
Publisher(s) |
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) , United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) |
Description |
This document contains the 2018 Report for Drug Use in Nigeria Survey which was conducted between 2016 and 2017. |
Table of contents |
Preface 3
Acknowledgements 7
Abbreviations and Acronyms 8
Executive Summary 9
1. Extent of drug use in Nigeria 16
Poly-drug use 16
Extent of drug use by geopolitical zones 18
2. Patterns of drug use 25
Gender and drug use 25
Age and drug use 26
Cannabis 26
Opioids: heroin and pharmaceutical opioids 26
Stimulants: amphetamines, cocaine and ecstasy 27
Non-medical use of other pharmaceutical or over-the-counter drugs 28
Solvents or inhalants 29
Tobacco and alcohol use 29
Knowledge and awareness about drug use and HIV and AIDS among the general population 29
3. High-risk drug use 31
People who inject drugs (PWID) 31
Sexual behaviours 34
Self-reported blood-borne infections and tuberculosis among high-risk drug users 35
4. Health consequences of drug use 36
Drug dependence and severity of dependence among drug users 36
Personal health and drug use among the adult population 38
Provision of structured treatment and other services for drug users 38
Provision of drug treatment services and interventions 40
Barriers to access support and services 41
5. Social consequences of drug use: harms to others 42
Drug use and the criminal justice system 43
6. Policy implications and the way forward 44
Drug use survey findings to inform the new National Drug Control Master Plan 2020-2024 44
Affordable and accessible scientific evidence-based drug treatment to be made available for
people with drug use disorders 44
Scaling up a comprehensive package of services for prevention, treatment and care of HIV among
people who use drugs in the community and in prison settings 45
Addressing stigma related to drug use 45
Evidence-based drug use prevention programmes 45
Ensure availability of pain medication for medical and scientific purposes while preventing
their diversion and misuse, as well as their illicit production or availability in the illicit market 45
Monitoring and evaluation of drug use patterns, emerging trends, and responses
to the drug problem 46
NDLEA to implement an intelligence-led policing model targeting mid- to high level traffickers 46
7. Nigeria - in context 47
Drug supply 47
Drug use 49
Availability, access and control of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursor
chemicals for medical and scientific purposes 50
Legislative and policy frameworks 50
National Drug Control Master Plan 2015-2109 51
Institutional Framework 51
8. Annex 53
Ethical Clearance 53
Methodology |
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