NGR-NBSFDCCBS -2007-v1.0
National Cooperative Baseline Survey-2007
First round
No Translation
Name | Country code |
Nigeria | NGA |
Service Provision Assessments [hh/spa]
National Cooperative Baseline Survey is the first round of National Survey carried out on the Cooperative Societies in Nigeria. It was initiated by the Federal Department of Cooperatives, for easy execution of government policies.
A cooperative Division was established in the Department of Agriculture following the enactment of the Cooperative Societies Ordinance in 1935. Agricultural cooperatives were mostly promoted and registered to extend production credit, supply farm inputs and export quality produce to European industries. From 1954 to 1966, more agriculture cooperatives were registered to perform the same functions on behalf of Regional/Commodity Boards. In the civil post-war period (1970-79), a Cooperative Development Act was promulgated: Federal Ministry of Cooperative Development & Supply was established to promote consumer cooperatives as a mitigating instrument for the spiraling inflammatory threat. The policy thrust in the '80s focused on Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP), abolition of the Commodity Boards and the National Supply Company. This rendered the Cooperative Movement (CM) prostrate.
In 1991, the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) in collaboration with World Bank (WB) evolves a new policy direction by carrying out sector review. In 2002, a comprehensive Cooperative Development Policy was formulated with the assistance of International Labour Organization (ILO). A draft policy implementation strategy which clearly defined roles for cooperatives in Agriculture & Rural Development and other primary sectors was prepared. The review recommended that cooperative policy should be comprehensive, friendly and participatory to facilitate bottom-up development. It further envisioned a cooperative sector that is strong, autonomous, operationally independent and economically viable, competing effectively in the private sector of the economy.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Cooperative Societies at State level
ver 1.0 Basic raw data, obtained from data entry (before editing)
The original Data from the data entry
National Coverage
The survey covers every seleected registered cooperative societies in Nigeria
Name | Affiliation |
National Bureau of Statistics | FGN |
Federal Department of Cooperatives | FGN |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
State Department of Cooperative | Federal Department of Cooperatives | Data collection |
Cooperative Movements | State Department of Cooperatives | Data collection |
Name | Abbreviation | Role |
Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water resources | FMA&WR | Funding |
Fedral Department of Cooperatives | FDC | Funding |
Cooperative Baseline Survey was a national survey covering all registered cooperative societies in all 774 Local Government Areas of the 36 States of the Federation, including Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The survey was designed with the State as the reporting domain. Data were then aggregated to derive estimate at Federal Constituency (FC).
The cooperative societies were classified into primary, secondary and tertiary. From within each cluster selection were made for study. All selection were random and systematic from active societies
Sample Size:
Twenty-five (25) societies (15 - Primary, 7 - Secondary and 3 - Tertiary) were selected in each state including Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. This means that a total of Nine hundred and twenty-five (925) societies were canvassed. The sample size was robust enough to provide reasonable estimates at national and sub-national levels.
In absence of tertiary, selection was ratio 15:10 for primary and secondary.
In absence of tertiary and secondary the 25 cooperative societies were selected from the listed primary.
If less than 25 cooperative societies were registered, all co-operative societies were canvassed.
In case, any of the selected cooperative society was not available as at time of contact, a substitution was made from the same sector.
The response rate attached as external resources.
Sample weights were calculated .
The Questions in the questionnaire were of 3 different types written in English Language:
Multiple Responses:
Questions where more than one response may occur. The responses to such questions were represented with alphabets. For example Part C Question. 48.
Which of the following better express your understanding of cooperatives?
(a) Business organization A
(b) Social Organization B
(c) Political association C
(d) Self – help organization D
(e) Philanthropic organization E
Single Response:
Questions where only one response is expected occur. The responses to such questions were represented with figures. For example Part F Question. 74.
Where does the society have a ready market for their product?
(a)Local 1
(b) International 2
(c)None 3
Open Ended:
Questions where the respondent should enter the response directly or u write for him/her. Spaces to write is provided. For example Part A Question. 4.
Date of Registration?
Year: ___
Censuses and Surveys PROgram (CSPRO) was used for data entry.
SPSS was used for final analysis
Start | End | Cycle |
2007-11-22 | 2007-12-12 | 20 Days |
Start date | End date | Cycle |
2007-11-22 | 2007-12-12 | 20 Days |
Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation |
National Bureau of Statistics | FGN | NBS |
Federal Department of Cooperatives | FMA&WR | FDC |
State Department of Cooperatives | FDC | SDC |
Cooperative Movements (Local Level) | SDC | CM |
NBS state officers supervised the programme in their various state. Monitoring officers comprising headquarter staff of National Bureau of Statistics, Federal Department of Cooperatives, State Department of Statistics along with the Cooperative Movement senior staff monitored fieldwork in states. They also carried out on-the-spot assessment and skim check of the exercise.
There were also Directors from National Bureau of Statistics and Federal Department of Statistics who coordinated the fieldwork in various zones.
The field personnel firstly visited the state cooperative office to complete the database questionnaire. Then, identified the types of societies completed into primary, secondary and tertiary sectors and proceeded to select the required sample systematically. The selected societies were then administer the main questionnaire. One of the executive serves as the respondent in the present of the other executives and/or available members.
Data processing was done centrally at NBS Headquarters, Abuja.
30 Data entry staff and 5 Editors were engaged
Numerous efforts were made during implementation of the Cooperative Baseline Survey 2007 to minimize sampling error
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | URL | |
NBS | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | The confidentiality of the individual respondent is protected by law (Statistical Act 2007) This is published in the Official Gazette of the Federal republic of Nigeria No. 60 vol. 94 of 11th June 2007. See section 26 para.2. Punitive measures for breeches of confidentiality are outlined in section 28 of the same Act. |
A comprehensive data access policy is been developed by NBS, however section 27 of the Statistical Act 2007outlines the data access obligation of data producers which includes the realease of properly anonymized micro data.
National Bureau of Statistics & Federal Department of Cooperatives, Nigeria, Cooperative Baseline Survey 2007 v01
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(c)NBS 2007
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Mr. Jonathan Dangwaran | Director, Federal Department of Cooperatives | | |
Dr. G. O. Adewoye | Director, Censuses & Surveys Department, NBS | | |
Mrs. A. N. Adewinmbi (ICT) | Head, Information & Communication Department, NBS | | |
Mr. E. Ekezie | Deputy Director, ICT, NBS | | |
Mr. I. Olarewaju | Head, Household Division, NBS | | |
Biyi Fafunmi | Data Curator | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
National Bureau of Statistics | FG | Data producer |
Version 1.0 (2007), The first data archived for the Baseline