Author(s) |
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) |
Date |
2008-07-25T18:50 |
Country |
Nigeria |
Language |
English |
Contributor(s) |
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) |
Publisher(s) |
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) |
Description |
A draft copy of the report |
Table of contents |
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objectives of the Survey
1.3 Scope and Coverage of the Survey
1.4 Survey Instrument
1.5 Sample Design
1.6 Training
1.7 Achievement
2.1 Society's area of operation
2.2 Society's Specific Objectives
2.3 Membership Strength
2.4 Share Capital, Savings and Deposit of Society's Members
2.5 Main Occupation of Cooperators
3.1 Society's Activities
3.2 Services received from affiliated body
3.3 Problems encountered with the affiliated body
3.4 The expectations from affiliated bodies
3.5 Agencies that did business with cooperative society
3.6 Reasons why members refuse to attend meetings
3.7 Book keeping
3.8 How often the Society's Account is audited
3.9 Who manages the affairs of the society?
3.10 Society's Source of Funds
3.11 Types of available financial institutions
3.12 Credit Recovery rate
4.1 Knowledge of Cooperative
4.2 Reason for Cooperative
4.3 Cooperative Expectation
4.4 Societies Study Business before Committing Resources
4.5 Training Attended by Members
4.6 Training that will be beneficial to the Society
4.7 Society's Access to Information
5.1 Society's Input requirements
5.2 Source of Inputs to the society
5.3 Problems Encountered in the Application of Input
5.4 Median through which Technical/Educational assistance from source of supply in the application of Inputs was extended to the societies
6.1 Type of Processing Required
6.2 Who does processing?
6.3 Problems encountered in processing
6.4 Suggested Solutions to the processing problems
6.5 Ready Market for the society's products
6.6 Problems encountered in marketing the society's products
6.7 Volume of society's business
7.1 Types of Investments Involved by he societies
7.2 Required Facilities by the societies
Appendix I - Definitions of Terms
Appendix II - Statistical Tables
National Cooperative Baseline Indicators
Table 1.1 Retrieval Rate
Table 2.1 Percentage distribution of types of society by area of operation
Table 2.2 Percentage distribution of cooperative society by specific objective
Table 2.3 Percentage distribution of cooperative society's membership by state
Table 2.4 Percentage distribution of cooperative society's members share capital, savings and deposits by type of society
Table 2.5 Percentage distribution of main occupation of cooperative society's
members by State
Table 3.1 Percentage distribution of society's activities by State
Table 3.2 Percentage distribution of type of activities received from affiliated body by State
Table 3.3 Percentage distribution of problems encountered by the cooperative societies with the affiliated body by State
Table 3.4 Percentage distribution of expectations of the cooperative societies from affiliated body by State
Table 3.5 Percentage distribution of Agencies/Organization that did business with cooperative societies by State
Table 3.6 Percentage distribution of reasons why cooperative society's members refuse to attend meetings by State
Table 3.7A Percentage distribution of cooperatives societies types of books kept by type of society
Table 3.7B Percentage distribution of who does the cooperative book keeping by type of Society
Table 3.7C Percentage distribution of who does the society's book keeping by State
Table 3.8 Percentage distribution of how often the society's account is audited by State
Table 3.9 Percentage distribution of who manages the affairs of the society by State
Table 3.10 Percentage distribution of cooperative society's source of funds by State
Table 3.11 Percentage distribution of societies types of financial Institutions available in cooperators area by state
Table 3.12 Percentage distribution of the society's credit recovery rate by State
Table 4.1 Percentage distribution of knowledge of cooperatives by State
Table 4.2 Percentage distribution of why members join cooperative by State
Table 4.3 Percentage distribution of type of education required by the cooperative societies by State
Table 4.4 Percentage distribution of how often the cooperative societies study business before committing resources by State
Table 4.5 Percentage distribution of the type of training attended by members of the society by State
Table 4.6 Percentage distribution of type of training attended by that will be beneficial to the members of the society by state
Table 4.7 Percentage distribution of cooperative society's access to information by State
Table 5.1 Percentage distribution of the society's input requirements by State 43
Table 5.2 Percentage distribution of the source of input to the society by State
Table 5.3 Percentage distribution of society's problems encountered in the application of inputs by State
Table 5.4 Percentage distribution of medium through which technical/educational assistance from source of supply in the application of inputs was extended to the societies by State
Table 6.1 Percentage distribution of cooperative societies required form of processing by State
Table 6.2 Percentage distribution of who does processing for the cooperative societies by State
Table 6.3 Percentage distribution of cooperative societies problems encountered in processing the society's produce by State
Table 6.4 Percentage distribution of cooperative societies suggested solutions to the problems encountered in processing the society's produce by State
Table 6.5 Percentage distribution of ready market for the society's products by State
Table 6.6 Percentage distribution of problems encountered by cooperative societies in marketing the society's products by State
Table 6.7 Percentage distribution showing the volume of the society's business by type of society
Table 7.1 Percentage distribution of types of investments the cooperative societies are involved in by State
Table 7.2 Percentage distribution of cooperative society's type of facilities needed by State
Table 8.1 Percentage distribution of main occupation of cooperative society's members by State
Table 8.2 Percentage Distribution of cooperative societies by affiliation
Table 8.3 Percentage Distribution of cooperative society's total Balance
Table 8.4 Percentage distribution of societies by type
Table 8.5 Percentage distribution of the cooperative societies who paid annual dues/Membership subscription by State
Table 8.6 Percentage Distribution of bodies to which cooperative societies pays their dues by State
Table 8.7 Percentage distribution of amount paid as annual due by types of society
Table 8.8 Percentage distribution of the last pay of cooperative society's annual due by State
Table 8.9 Percentage Distribution of how often annual due was paid by the societies by State
Table 8.10 Percentage distribution of why society's annual dues were not paid by State
Table 8.11 Percentage Distribution of how often the society meets by State
Table 8.12 Percentage distribution of how often the society organizes election by State
Table 8.13 Percentage distribution of response to cooperative society's members attend meetings by State
Table 8.14 Percentage distribution showing cooperative societies that had books of records by State
Table 8.15 Percentage showing response to societies been audited since registration by State
Table 8.16 Percentage Distribution of number of times the society was audited since established by State
Table 8.17 Percentage distribution of who does auditing of the society's account by State
Table 8.18 Percentage distribution of number of paid employees in the society by State
Table 8.19 Percentage distribution of responses to accessibility of financial Institutions in cooperative society's area by State
Table 8.20 Percentage distribution of response to "if Loan is given to members" by State
Table 8.21 Percentage Distribution of cooperative society's members and employees level of literacy by State
Table 8.22 Percentage distribution of responses to cooperative society's members attending training
Table 8.23 Percentage distribution of the organizers of training for cooperative societies by State
Table 8.24 Percentage distribution of response to "either the cooperative society's training organized was beneficial to the society" by State
Table 8.25 Percentage distribution showing how cooperative society's farmlands were owned by State
Table 8.26 Percentage distribution of how cooperative society's farmlands were acquired by State
Table 8.27 Percentage distribution of responses to "the delivery of required cooperative society's inputs from source" by State
Table 8.28 Percentage distribution of responses to the questions on application of the society's inputs by State
Table 8.29 Percentage distribution of response to "if there was need for technical/educational assistance from the source(s) of supply in the application of inputs to enhance productivity" by State
Table 8.30 Percentage Distribution of responses to "if outputs require a form of processing" by State
Table 8.31 Percentage distribution of response to "if society is linked to any cooperative marketing organization" by State
Table 8.32 Percentage Distribution of responses of cooperatives with linkage to cooperative marketing organization on satisfaction with the services received
Table 8.33 Percentage distribution of how the societies dispose off their produce by State
Table 8.34 Percentage distribution showing responses to societies involvement in any form of investments
Table 8.35 Percentage Distribution of duration of Investments involved by Cooperative societies by State
Table 8.36 Percentage Distribution of responses to "if there is any facilities put in place by the government, or apex organizations which enable the society fulfill its mandate" by State
2.1 Percentage Distribution of types of society by Area of Operation
2.2 Percentage Distribution of Types of society by Specific Objective
2.4a Percentage Distribution of Share Capital by type of Society
2.4b Percentage Distribution of members Savings by type of Society
2.4c Percentage Distribution of members Deposit by type of Society
3.7 Percentage Distribution showing who does the book keeping
6.7 Percentage Distribution showing the volume of the society's Business by type of society |
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